ListenBrainz Data Dumps

ListenBrainz provides data dumps that you can import into your own server or use for other purposes. These data dumps are created regularly once a month. Each dump contains a number of different files. Depending on your use cases, you may or may not require all of them.

File Descriptions

A ListenBrainz data dump consists of two archives:

  1. listenbrainz-public-dump.tar.xz
  2. listenbrainz-listens-dump.tar.xz


This file contains information about ListenBrainz users and statistics derived from listens submitted to ListenBrainz calculated using Google BigQuery about users, artists, recordings etc.


This is the core ListenBrainz data dump. This file contains all the listens submitted to ListenBrainz by its users.

Structure of the listens dump

The ListenBrainz listens dump consists of a number of files containing listens in JSON format, one document per line. Each user’s listens are listed in one file in chronological order, with the latest listen first. The exact location of each user’s listens is listed in the index.json file which is a JSON document containing a file name, an offset and size (in bytes) to uniquely identify the location and size of each user’s listens.

The format of the index.json file is as follows:

    'user1': {
        'file_name': "file which contains user1's listens",
        'offset': "the byte at which user1's listens begin in the file",
        'size': "the size (in bytes) of the user's listens"

Hence, if you wanted to extract a particular user’s listens, you would look up that user in the index.json file, find the filename and offset from there, open the file and seek to that byte and read the bytes specified by the index.json files. Each line in the part of the file we read is a listen submitted for that particular user.

Here is some example code to explain the mentioned way of parsing the listens dump:

import json
import os

def read_user_listens(username):
    with open('index.json') as f:
        index = json.load(f)

        # get the filename, offset and size for user
        # from the index
        file_name = index[username]['file_name']
        offset = index[username]['offset']
        size = index[username]['size']

        # directory structure of the form "listens/%s/%s/%s.listens" % (uuid[0], uuid[0:2], uuid)
        file_path = os.path.join('listens', file_name[0], file_name[0:2], '%s.listens' % file_name)
        with open(file_path) as listen_file:
            listens =
            return map(json.loads, listens.split('\n'))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    username = input('Enter the name of the user: ')
    for listen in read_user_listens(username):
        print(json.dumps(listen, indent=4))